Dialog API


Name Description Type Required Default value
headline This is the title of the dialog window string -
no-keys Disables the ESC key to prevent closing with it boolean false
no-close Disables every interaction related to close boolean false
local If set to true, dialog will opens locally in it's parent container. See example above boolean false
width Width of the dialog in any CSS metric. This attribute doesn't change the size of an already opened dialog, so if you are also using the opened="true" attribute, make sure to set the width before it. string -
height Height of the dialog in any CSS metric string -
preventClose When true, dialog cannot be closed boolean false
opened Handles opened state boolean false


Name Description
open([object]) The object can be any of the properties, and also there is an opener option. opener determines the element where the focus was before the dialog has opened.
close() Close the dialog, if the dialog is open close it
setContent([html]/[domNode]) Changes the content of dialog with the given parameter in opened state. It restores original content on close.
setHeader([html]/[domNode]) Appends a secondary header to the dialog with the given parameter in opened state. It restores original headers on close.
setSize([object]) Sets the dimensions of the dialog to the given { width, height } values.
They must be valid CSS values e.g. '600px'. Be aware that the height means the height of the header + content + footer, not just the content.


Event Description Returns
dialog.open Fires on open { detail: { component: [as object] } }
dialog.close Fires on close { detail: { component: [as object] } }
dialog.beforeClose Fires on before close { detail: { component: [as object] } }

Floatingpage API Reference


Name Description
window.e.utils.openFloatingPage({url: url}) Opens the floatingpage with iframe. The iframe url come from parameter.
window.e.utils.closeFloatingPage() Close all floatingpage on the page. You can call in or outside from iframe.

Confirmation Dialog API Reference


Name Description
window.e.utils.openConsequentialConfirmationDialog({ headline, content, confirm, cancel }) Opens consequential confirm dialog.
window.e.utils.openDestructiveConfirmationDialog({ headline, content, confirm, cancel }) Opens destructive confirm dialog.


Name Description Type Required Default value
headline This is the title of the confirmation dialog. string true -
content This is the content of the confirmation dialog. It will be sanitized by default. html true -
disableSanitization Turn off automatic HTML sanitization on content of the confirmation dialog. Make sure the given content is sanitized! boolean false
confirm.label This is the label of the confirmation button. string Ok
confirm.callback This is the code to execute when the confirmation button is clicked. The dialog is closed automatically, no need to programatically close it. function
cancel.label This is the label of the cancel button. string Cancel
cancel.callback This is the code to execute when the cancel button is clicked. The dialog is closed automatically, no need to programatically close it. function

Custom Dialog API Reference


Name Description
window.e.utils.dialog({ content }) Opens a custom dialog with given content. Content can be a string (or HTML) or a DOM Node. It returns the reference of the dialog.
open Opens the custom dialog. Should be called on the reference of window.e.utils.dialog.
close Closes the custom dialog. Should be called on the reference of window.e.utils.dialog.


Name Description Type Required Default value
content This is the content of the custom dialog. domNode or html

e-dialog-action API Reference


Name Description Type Required Default value
key An identifier for tracking events. It should be unique.
In Vue.js key is a reserved attribute. Use :key.prop="'somekey'" to set this attribute.
disabled Disabled state. Does not fire trigger event if true. boolean false
disabled-tooltip Defines tooltip for disabled actions. string


Event Description Returns
trigger Fires on clicking the action.

e-dialog-back-button API Reference


Event Description Returns
click Fires on clicking the button.

e-dialog-cover API Reference


Name Description Type Required Default value
src Set the url source of the image. string true
height Set the height of the whole header. string false
tone Set the header color according to the image brightness. ['dark', 'light'] false 'light'