Variable Configurations Editor API

API Reference vce-variable-configurations-editor

Required Child Components

vce-variable-configurations-editor must have the following child components:

  • vce-variables-list This child component must have a `vce-variables-list` attribute
  • vce-variable-editor-dialog This child component must have a `vce-variable-editor-dialog` attribute

HTML Attributes API

Name Description Type Required Default value
variable-configurations Array of VariableConfigurations array true []


Event Description Returns
update Fires when any of the configurations changed.
    detail: []

API Reference vce-variables-list

HTML Attributes API

Name Description Type Required Default value
variable-configurations Array of VariableConfigurations array false []
show-copy-action Show copy action boolean false false
show-search Show search input boolean false false
translations Translations object {}
vce-variables-list This attribute is required when using vce-variable-configurations-editor * ' '
* The vce-variables-list attribute must have a value of vce-variables-list when <vce-variables-list> is a child of <vce-variable-configurations-editor>.

Translation strings

  columnName: 'Name',
  columnDefaultValue: 'Value',
  columnEditable: 'Editable',
  tooltipActionEdit: 'Edit',
  tooltipActionCopy: 'Copy',
  tooltipActionDelete: 'Delete',
  types: {
    string: 'String',
    color: 'Color',
    integer: 'Number - Integer',
    decimal: 'Number - Decimal',
    select: 'Selectable',
    image: 'Image',

API Reference vce-variable-editor-dialog

HTML Attributes API

Name Description Type Required Default value
reserved-ids ids to reserve array of strings true []
use-editable-image Enables editable images boolean false
string-editable Enables editable strings boolean false
translations Translations object {}
vce-variable-editor-dialog This attribute is required when using vce-variable-configurations-editor * ''
* The vce-variable-editor-dialog attribute must have a value of vce-variable-editor-dialog when <vce-variable-editor-dialog> is a child of <vce-variable-configurations-editor>.

Translation strings

  dialogTitleCreate: 'Create Variable',
  dialogTitleCopy: 'Copy Variable',
  dialogTitleEdit: 'Edit Variable',
  name: {
    title: 'Variable name',
      'You can refer to the variable in the code with the name set here, using the following format: ‘{ variables.myVariable }’.
Variable names can only contain Latin letters (A-Z, a-z).', placeholder: 'Enter the name to be used in the code.', }, displayName: { title: 'Display name', helper: 'Variables will be listed with their display name on the Style Settings tab to the editor of the campaign.', placeholder: 'Enter a describing name.', }, types: { title: 'Variable type', color: 'Color', decimal: 'Number - Decimal', integer: 'Number - Integer', string: 'String', select: 'Select', image: 'Image', }, isOverridable: { title: 'Editable', helper: 'Editable variables will be visible and editable for the editor of the campaign on the Style Settings tab.', enabledState: 'Editable by the editor of the campaign', disabledState: "You cannot set a 'String' type variable to editable.", }, defaultValue: { title: 'Default value', placeholder: 'Enter a value', select: { defaultColumn: 'Default', nameColumn: 'Item Name', valueColumn: 'Item Value', }, image: { mediaDB: 'Media DB', }, }, create: 'Create', createCopy: 'Create Copy', apply: 'Apply', cancel: 'Cancel', validationErrors: { wrongIdFormat: 'This variable name is invalid. Please use only Latin letters (A-Z, a-z).', idAlreadyUsed: 'This variable name is already in use. Please try a new one.', wrongValue: 'This variable value is invalid. Please do not use curly brackets ({, }).', wrongImage: 'The image URL cannot be found.', }, }

Translation strings

  resetButtonTooltip: 'Reset button',
  emptyStateTitle: 'No Settings to Show',
    'Style settings can be defined in the template as variables to provide more flexible campaign formatting options.',
  emptyStateLinkButton: 'Learn more',
  emptyStateLinkUrl: '',
  defaultValue: {
    image: {
      mediaDB: 'Media DB',
  validationErrors: {
    wrongImage: 'The image URL cannot be found.',
    wrongIdFormat: 'This variable name is invalid. Please use only Latin letters (A-Z, a-z).',
    idAlreadyUsed: 'This variable name is already in use. Please try a new one.',
    wrongValue: 'This variable value is invalid. Please do not use curly brackets ({, }).',
  applyButton: 'Apply',
  cancelButton: 'Cancel',