resetButtonTooltip: 'Reset button',
emptyStateTitle: 'No Settings to Show',
'Style settings can be defined in the template as variables to provide more flexible campaign formatting options.',
emptyStateLinkButton: 'Learn more',
emptyStateLinkUrl: 'https://help.emarsys.com/hc/en-us/articles/360003076334-Email-Style-Settings',
defaultValue: {
image: {
mediaDB: 'Media DB',
validationErrors: {
wrongImage: 'The image URL cannot be found.',
wrongIdFormat: 'This variable name is invalid. Please use only Latin letters (A-Z, a-z).',
idAlreadyUsed: 'This variable name is already in use. Please try a new one.',
wrongValue: 'This variable value is invalid. Please do not use curly brackets ({, }).',
applyButton: 'Apply',
cancelButton: 'Cancel',