Design System Updates for 2024 April

New Component

  • Rule List: this new component is replacing Rule Builder. We've made it more flexible by removing use-case specific features, and enabling product teams to build their own logic.


  • Utility Function: the getTopOrigin method helps navigate in Suite from iframes by returning the origin of the top window.
  • Layout: in .e-layout__content_vertical blocks, sections will be placed vertically, not horizontally.
  • Datagrid: bulk action buttons can be disabled, and a tooltip can be displayed for them.
  • Datagrid: dispatching event on selection in bulk select mode.

Icon Library Updates

Added new icons: logo-line, logo-mparticle, logo-viber, logo-whatsapp.


  • Rule Builder (has been replaced by Rule List)
  • Datepicker and Date Select (replaced by Date-Time Picker)
  • Top Nav