The New Emarsys Design System Website
Excellent news, everyone! We're rolling out a brand new version of the Emarsys Design System website, which is the foundation for turning our Design System into something truly world-class.
In the past, updating the Design System website was somewhat cumbersome: creating, editing, and organizing content required the assistance of Design System developers, as the documentation lived inside the UI Framework's codebase. This made it difficult for other developers and designers to contribute to the Design System.
With the new Design System website, we've detached the documentation from the codebase, and put a lightweight and flexible CMS under it. This makes adding, editing, and organizing content a breeze for anyone who wants to contribute.
The CMS also comes with a lot of bells and whistles, which will help us implementing exciting new features in the future — and let me tell you, we are full of ideas!
With this initial release, we were aiming to cover all the existing functions and use cases of our old Design System website, and adding a few CMS-based features.
Here are some of the new features:
- The admin panel makes adding, editing, and organizing content easier — but you can still edit the documentation on the code level, if you want to.
- The search now has the ability to search for anything in the Design System — including guidelines, icons, and even release notes.
- A new Health Check page shows the development status of all the components and guidelines.
- The code examples are opened in the new and improved Design System Playground.
…and this is just the beginning, we're planning to enhance this new website with useful new features, such as the ability to cross-link documentation chunks, new content blocks in guidelines, and making content available only for authenticated Emarsys employees.
Outdated versions of the UI Framework documentation will remain available on their version-specific URLs. The last version to receive the old documentation was 14.880.0. Also, if you feel like taking a walk down memory lane, check out our Design System Museum for some nostalgia fuel.
If you have any feedback or questions, please get in touch with the Design System team via Slack!